Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Hogskin Valley Girl

What did that say....the title of the blog and the post....did that really say....HOGSKIN VALLEY GIRL???? Yes, it did!

AND PROUD OF forewarned...I make no apologies about who I am or where I came from. If I am nothing else, I am real and honest to a fault! I absolutely love where I grew up and love to return there as often as possible.

A little about me...I am a wife to a fabulous husband, mother of the sweetest little boy in the world (though many of you moms out there may argue with me that yours is the sweetest) I am a daughter, sister, soon to be aunt, niece, cousin (roots run deep here in the South), Christian, friend and lover of the Earth. I eat WAY too many sweets, love to play softball when the opportunity presents itself, enjoy getting my hands and feet dirty and I love to play "dress-up", especially with thrift store finds. I drive my husband crazy constantly bringing home stuff that others (including my husband) consider junk but I can't seem to help myself, I see the beauty in them. Actually, I try to see the beauty in most things surrounding me, I love being outdoors and Hogskin Valley just happens to be one of my preferred destinations, there and my in-laws place in rural Pennsylvania. Aaaahhhh....just thinking about those two places puts me in a great, relaxed mood. Basically, I am happy anywhere I can be surrounded by lots of land or water. I guess my love affair with the outdoors is what sparked my intro into green living, that and the birth of my son.

So what do I believe? I believe we are all given the opportunity to make a difference as we pass through this life. One of the ways I hope to make a difference is by doing my best to both respect and protect our natural resources; they are afterall, just on lean to us from future generations. We should do our best to preserve them for our children/grandchildren/great grandchildren and beyond. They will be thankful, just as I am thankful to my ancestors that preserved Hogskin Valley for me.

I hope you will come along with me on my journey (green and otherwise). Leave comments and tell me about your own journey. Hopefully, we will be able to provide each other with inspiration along the way.

Big Hugs,
Hogskin Valley Girl


  1. oh yeah!!! i'm so excited you've decided to share your expertise!! you are so talented, and i can't wait to see what you come up with next on here!!!!

  2. Good to finally meet one of Jess' best friends!!! Maybe one day we'll get to meet in person!!! Congrats on starting your own blog!!!
    Debbie - Jess' Mom

  3. are so sweet!!! Debbie-i'm happy to finally meet you too, even in cyber world. I look forward to meeting you in person. Thanks for checking out my blog!

  4. ok chick! it's about time for you to update!!!

  5. welcome to blog world... i'm visiting from jessica's (^) place. i've been called the recycling nazi... so maybe we could be friends?? ;)

  6. Jessica-Yes ma'am...I just posted. Patty-we recycle everything even my four year old jumps in and helps.We could absolutely be friends. :)
