Thursday, May 6, 2010

Recycling Styrofoam?

Is it just me or are there others out there that struggle with throwing away all this styrofoam? I try to limit our styrofoam consumption but inevitably we end up with this. It breaks my heart thinking that this stuff will remain in the Earth FOREVER and burning it is NOT the answer! RECYCLING IS....and I am so EXCITED!

There is now a way that you can recycle your #6 Polystyrene aka styrofoam. Its sort of hard to see below (look to the right of the number 3) look for the recycling triangle along with the number 6 inside. You might also see the letters "PS" for polystyrene. If you see #6 or the "PS" letters it CAN be recycled. WOO HOO....great news for my guilty conscience and a huge win for the Earth.

Thank you to the Knoxville Recycling Coalition for bringing this valuable service to the Knoxville area. I purchased a 100 gallon bag from them for $5.00 and as a bonus they educated me on styrofoam recycling. When my bag is full I will return it to be recycled. YEAH!!!

So what are you waiting for? My challenge to you is to go buy yourself a $5.00 bag and get started will feel better and so will the Earth. I will be attending a "master recycler" class in the next couple of weeks. It is a two week class....when I'm finished I'm sure I will have lots more information to share.